Saturday, 29 December 2012

KITCHEN厨房日记: Raviolli in Carbonara Sauce

We love to go Jaya Grocer in Empire Gallery, to window shop! There are plenty of imported high grade goods, from fresh food to frozen food, snacks, and dried ingredients, at a higher price of course. And this time, we bought a packet of Raviolli and baby sprouts. 

I had this very nice Raviolli in a buffet dinner at Hotel Renaissance, KL and damn, how I wish I can eat it again. The meat fillings are very juicy and the tomato sauce is perfect. Upon finding this packet of fresh Raviolli by San Remo in Jaya Grocer, it brought back my memories and hence we decided to cook it for our dinner.

However, somebody dislikes tomato sauce and threatens that he would not eat it, if I'm cooking the Raviolli in tomato sauce. So, we opted for Prego Carbonara sauce. And man, how I adore these baby sprouts! They look so cute and I just can't stop smiling looking at them!

Alas, it didn't reach my expectation. The fillings in the Raviolli taste much like herbal paste to me. The Carbonara sauce is too salty. And the baby sprouts are a bit bitter. Awwh...Feel so sorry to him, for he has to eat these...

Then, I realize, these Raviolli I bought are actually vegetable Raviolli! The fillings inside are made of dried vegetable paste, no wonder the taste & texture are so much different! Would be more careful next time when I choose Raviolli. Or worst, not to buy and cook it myself!

Monday, 3 December 2012

BEAUTY美丽日记: December is My Month!

Time sure flies. I never expected (never realized either) to see Christmas decorations when I went to Empire Gallery last night. This is the month that I look forward most.  All my special dates occur in this month!

Here are some photos, to share the joy of Christmas, and a bit of pre-Christmas shopping spree:

What a giant Santa!

Dear Santa, please send this giant sofa to my place, thx.

Love is in the air~

Not to forget the gingerbread house!

Even this Indonesian-theme restaurant is welcoming Christmas!

The food here are not bad, do try if you are bored of Western food.

Just couldn’t resist these… We would buy more if our wallets allow!

And, I decided to keep my hair long. I did think of cutting my hair short to shoulder length and have a side parted hairline. However, I am just too not over long hair and bangs, especially looking at Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Japson.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Boh Song~

And so, I decided not to go work yesterday (it's a Saturday man!). Why? Cause I actually have some work and yet upset with someone so I don't care! Better stay at home and do something that I've neglected for long - bakery!

This time, it's Pumpkin Seeds Cookies. The method is the same as "Biskut Bintang", but I added pumpkin seeds. And I made 2 full boxes of them! Enough for my whole-week breakfast. *wink*

Then, it's time to play with my new toy - iron curler! I bought it from the hair salon I used to visit at RM100. Believe me, it's not easy to curl your hair and yet fun to do it, just need more practice though. You can watch various tutorials from Youtube and learn how to curl your hair but trust me for this ultimate TIPS: Wear a pair of cotton glove when you curl your hair using the iron curler, or you will end up with burnt hand! XD (I actually burn my face once, luckily no scar left.)

My curls look messy, as I did not section my hair properly. It doesn't stay long too as I did not use hair spray. The curls start to 'fade' after 3-4 hours. Never mind, this is a first-time practice!

The best way to relax? Have a cup of tea in an 'Oink Oink' mug!

Monday, 12 November 2012

KITCHEN厨房日记: Pasta in Tomato Puree

Joke of the Day~

A: What is the most torturing thing?
B: Go to work.

A: More torturing than that?
B: Go to work everyday.

A: More torturing than that?
B: Work overtime.

A: More torturing than that?
B: Work overtime for free.

Funny? That's what I do. Of course, I don't feel that it's torturing, and I enjoy my work. However, it feels so GOOD to be off on a MONDAY!

And, this is my lunch today. Pasta in Tomato Puree. I don't use ready-made pasta sauce nowadays, instead, I made them myself. Cut fresh tomato into small cubes and prepare other ingredients according to your preference, like chicken, capsicum, carrot and onion.

Fry the onion till golden brown and add in the tomato cubes. Continue frying in medium fire until the tomato turns really soft and season it with sugar, salt and pepper. Then, add in other ingredients and pasta. Just make sure they are cooked though.

Okay, that's all for today. Look forward to shopping session tomorrow!

Monday, 22 October 2012

BEAUTY美丽日记: The braid is back!

Out of idea what to do about my hair, actually.

Friend commented that my hair is thick. Yeah, glad to have such volume of hair as I don't like thin hair.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

BEAUTY美丽日记: Catwoman Look

Yes, my long-planned catwoman look is a success! The outcome? Colleagues waited for me, had to turn back to get my dinner pass, and almost late to dinner. LOL

It so happened that the theme this year is Safari Escapades. And the easiest way to dress according to the theme is, Leopard motives! So, I paired my leopard prints toga shirt with a flowy chiffon black skirt.

Ignore the towel and make-ups behind me, I'm in a rush!

To complete my look, I had a cat-eyed make up, and cat-eared hair-do.

The dinner is nice, catch-up with good friends, and mingle around to socialize. Yes, we have a real grand dinner, and to all those who 'laugh at us' for having such a grand dinner, you know what, you outsiders say all you want, but we are proud to do that! (And we wish things will be like this forever~)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

BEAUTY美丽日记: Beautiful Night

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

I insisted to lit up some lanterns at the car porch. It's our tradition, you know. 

And I still prefer traditional paper lanterns.

Lovely me with lovely lanterns.

And, his creation of the night. Love how the candles glow in the night through the eyes of a camera.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

FEELINGS心情日记: Two is Better than One






Saturday, 8 September 2012

FEELINGS心情日记: 想当年的美食

1) 金毛烧腊店
位于加影市镇的一间老店,隔着一条河(大水沟?)就是大巴刹了。店里的招牌是叉烧,其他的如烧鸡,烧鸭和烧肉也做得不逊色。本小姐对叉烧的要求非常严格,能够在我心中获得‘A’ 等级的叉烧,到目前为止,只有海外天大饭店和这档了。外皮酥脆,肉质肥瘦参半,占着香甜的酱汁,一入口嫩嫩的肉和油即时溶化,剩下脆口的外皮慢慢地被咀嚼,这就是我对叉烧的要求。老板的头发染成金色,所以大家称作为金毛。不过在这里必须忍受两件事情。一,是老板的脾气。下单时要快,狠,准,千万别啰里啰唆,拖泥带水,想东想西。金毛老板可没有那么客气地遵从你的要求。二,是那从大水沟和大巴刹飘来的阵阵臭味,习惯就好。
2) 海棠自助火锅
3) 兰姐手工板面
4) 纸包鸡
从来都没有人去注意店名,只知道是位于沙登MINES SHOPPING CENTRE 对面就是了。招牌纸包鸡虽然是镇店之宝,但口味重且油腻并非我的最爱。反而是沙律鸡丁/排骨饭和酿豆腐让我回味无穷。听说此点有两间分号,大老婆的纸包鸡最正宗,而小老婆的酿豆腐较为出色。看来老板还挺公平的。
5) 大大碗
也是一间没有人注意店名的饭店,位于加影SG CHUA 新村的一间住家里。到那边用餐,随时可以遇见同校/邻校的朋友,知名度不逊于天王偶像。各式各样的大炒菜色均有售卖,如炒粉,滑蛋河,宫保,酸甜,泰式,柠檬,姜葱等等。味道普通,但胜在价格廉宜且分量大,而且一桌八-十人的话会送上免费煲汤。
7) 铁板豆腐
我想不起店名叫什么,只记得也是在SG CHUA,旁边是篮球场,对面是巴刹。平日生意已经很好,到了假日更是门庭若市。菜色样样都不错,但要数最受欢迎的就是铁板豆腐。铁板铺着一层松软的蛋皮,再装着煎好的豆腐,淋上味道酸甜辣的肉浆。一端上桌,掀开铁盖,香味扑鼻,热滚滚的酱汁传出滋滋声响。只见大伙儿都握着汤匙叉,安分却又兴奋地等待,只要温度一降低,大家都下手把豆腐,蛋皮和肉碎捞完。大份的铁板豆腐对四,五人是刚刚好。如果凑足十人的话最好是点两盘,免得不欢而散。

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

BEAUTY美丽日记: Hair Band Collection

Believe me, wearing a hair band is the easiest way to decorate your hair and define your style! So, I never stop buying hair bands. Wide one, thin one, shiny one, cute one, casual one…

Here, my collections~

Bunny: Tilt the both ends up for a playboy model style, or wear it with both ends down on one side for a retro look.

Crystal Clear: Perfect for dinner, can be worn as a crown as well. Looks even better with the ever lovely Christyne beside me and the happily ever after couple behind!

Pearls in Lace: It’s actually a necklace.

Pinky PVC: An elastic head band, from dear Tho.

Ruby Red: Will never go wrong with a plain white shirt!

Satin Ribbon: How can I forget my favourite ribbon! In fact, I have ribbon in almost everything! Shoes, bag, shirt, dress, pin…

Ocean Blue: A thin fabric one, with blue florals on white background.

And, many years ago~

Simple Hoop: My hair was short!

Disco Sliver: Shiny pieces on your head spells D-I-S-C-O! (I wear that to classes, anyway.)

Golden Band: With my specs on. @.@

Black Braid: Can hardly be seen from picture. A good way to secure all your hair back though.


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